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Let's move!

The App That Pays You to Walk.

Money, just by walking.

10 000
12 500
15 000
20 000

Every Step Pays

Earn euros every time you walk, for yourself or for charities.

Let's go, outside!

Walk More to Earn More.

The calls, now it's standing up

Let's move as much as we can

The metro exit? one station ahead

Life is better in the fresh air

Try the pizza without delivery

Get off the couch

One more turn in the park!

It's always a plus


To move
To better enjoy life
To defeat laziness forever

Rewards Galore.

Rewards Galore.

Turn Your Coins into Money
Convert your coins into money, deposited into your account.
Earn Points for a Charity.
Your coins are directly donated to the charity of your choice.
Receive Promotions.
Convert your coins into money, deposited into your bank account.

Thousands already on the march!

An amazing experience, this walking thing.
Matthieu, former metro user, now converted walker
I was finally able to take a vacation, thanks to everyone.
Elisa, Uber Eats delivery driver on holiday

Download the App!

Want to go out together?